In a significant operation, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Saturday arrested two women at Gomti Nagar railway station in Lucknow, recovering 11 kg of charas, valued at Rs27.5 lakh. The women, identified as Jyoti Devi (45) and Bhagmati Devi (45), both residents of East Champaran, Bihar, were traveling on a train from Sagauli Junction in Bihar to Kota Junction in Rajasthan.
The arrest was made following a specific tip-off that two women drug peddlers were traveling on the train, carrying a large consignment of narcotics. The women were traveling in a disabled persons’ coach when they were intercepted by the NCB officials. Upon searching their belongings, the NCB recovered 22 packets of charas, each weighing 500 grams.
The NCB Lucknow Zone Director, Kul Prakash Siddarth, confirmed that the women had been instructed by another individual, Sangeeta, to deliver the drugs to a man in Kota. Following the arrest, a case was registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, and investigations are underway.
This arrest is part of NCB’s continued efforts to combat drug trafficking and curb the illegal transportation of narcotic substances across regions.