Rajasthan police have arrested six youths involved in a cybercrime operation led by 18-year-old Nayan Patidar, the son of a local farmer from Banswara district. The gang had been running a fraudulent scheme, luring tribal people into paying online fees for access to premium pornographic content on a fake website.
The alleged mastermind, Nayan Patidar, used the proceeds from the scam to purchase a tractor, which he later gifted to his father. During the operation, police seized ₹19.6 lakh in cash along with 10 mobile phones, 14 SIM cards, a chequebook, and 5 ATM cards from the accused.
Patidar and his associates, aged between 18 and 22, operated from various villages in the Banswara district. The gang created a professional-looking pornographic website, which was advertised on search engines. The site tricked users into paying a nominal online fee for exclusive content.
According to Banswara Superintendent of Police Harsh V Aggarwal, the police launched a ‘cyber shield’ operation after receiving complaints about the fraudulent website. Patidar was arrested on January 10, and during interrogation, he revealed the identities of the other gang members, leading to their swift arrest.
The police investigation is ongoing, and further actions are being taken to dismantle the operation and prevent further fraud.