In a major financial fraud, Naveen Kumar filed a complaint at the Telibandha Police Station reporting a loss of Rs 1.39 crore. The incident, which is now under investigation, has revealed a web of financial deceit involving rented bank accounts.
The key suspect, Himanshu Nirmalkar, a 27-year-old from Raipur, was arrested for his role in the scam. Nirmalkar had opened a current account under the name “Himanshu Enterprises” and allegedly rented it out to other scammers for Rs 50,000 per month. This arrangement allowed fraudsters to conduct illegal transactions through his account, which contributed to the significant loss suffered by Kumar.
Authorities are actively investigating the case and have uncovered vital information regarding the use of rented bank accounts for financial crimes. The police are now looking into the broader network of scammers who may have exploited this method to carry out fraudulent activities.
This case highlights the increasing use of rented bank accounts in financial scams and the critical need for tighter regulation and monitoring of bank accounts to prevent such criminal activities.