In a significant breakthrough, Delhi Police have arrested Namburi Ajay Kumar in connection with a massive digital fraud operation that saw a 78-year-old man swindled out of Rs 32 lakh. Kumar was apprehended in Barrackpore, West Bengal, after a thorough investigation into the scam.
The victim, a senior citizen, had lodged a complaint after receiving a suspicious call in October last year, claiming to be about a courier parcel. During the conversation, the fraudsters manipulated him into transferring a substantial sum of money, which led to the financial loss.
Police traced the financial transactions back to an account under the name ‘Namburi Cloth and Proprietor.’ This lead ultimately led to Kumar’s arrest. In his confession, Kumar revealed his involvement in the sale of bank accounts for commission, further implicating him in the scam.
The arrest highlights the increasing threats posed by digital fraud, particularly targeting elderly individuals. The police have pledged to continue their efforts to track down other members of the fraud ring involved in this sophisticated scam.