Two Naga youths, Ranch Kikon and Chambe, were arrested on the Assam-Nagaland border in Merapani for allegedly smuggling illegal drugs. The duo was apprehended by local residents in the Deyalpur area near the Merapani police station on Wednesday evening while transporting 333 tablets of the banned drug ‘Simpex’ on a motorcycle. The incident took a dramatic turn when the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), stationed at the border as a neutral force, intervened and handed over the drug offenders to the Nagaland police, instead of the Assam police.
The two individuals, who were alleged to be Naga police officers, were taken into custody by the Nagaland police, who transported them back to Nagaland despite the initial involvement of Assamese locals and Assam police. The CRPF’s handling of the situation, which bypassed Assam’s jurisdiction, has sparked significant outrage and dissatisfaction among local Assamese residents.
This move has raised concerns over jurisdictional authority and the ineffectiveness of Assam police in taking action within their own territory. Local residents have expressed frustration, questioning the role of the CRPF and whether such incidents undermine the authority of Assam’s law enforcement.
The incident has further fueled the ongoing debate about border management and the division of jurisdictional responsibilities between Assam and Nagaland authorities, deepening the dissatisfaction among the Assamese population living near the border.