On Sunday, Mumbai Police arrested five individuals from Bhadrak district in Odisha in connection with a cyber fraud case involving Rs 35 lakh. The victim, Moses Vincent, a retired individual residing under the Bandra police jurisdiction, reported the scam a few months ago, leading to an investigation by the Bandra Cyber Police.
Following the victim’s complaint, the police team traced the suspects to Bhadrak, Odisha. A special five-member team led by senior officers Poonam Yadav and Nitin Gachhe traveled to Odisha to investigate further. They collaborated with local authorities, and after obtaining approval from the SDJM Court in Bhadrak, the police raided multiple locations in Bhadrak town.
The arrested individuals were identified as:
- Pramod KumarÂ
- Rakesh Kumar
- Subhendu JaydeepÂ
- Manoj KumarÂ
The suspects have been taken into police custody and are expected to be brought to Mumbai on Monday for further investigation.
The accused allegedly used fraudulent means to deceive the retired victim of Rs 35 lakh, and the police are continuing their investigation to uncover the full extent of the scam.