In a significant crackdown on illegal gambling, the Jabalpur police raided a farmhouse in the Bargi area on Friday night, apprehending Mukesh Khatri, a notorious gambling ringleader. The raid, which followed a tip-off, exposed a high-stakes gambling event where luxury cars had been used to transport gamblers to the location.
Police arrested Khatri and several gamblers who were participating in the event. During the raid, authorities seized Rs5.72 lakh in cash, 25 mobile phones, and six luxury cars parked at the farmhouse. The police have registered a case under the relevant sections of the BNS Act, and further investigations are ongoing.
Khatri, who has been on the run for previous charges of illegal gambling, was tracked down after extensive surveillance. The police received a tip-off from an informant, alerting them to a gambling event organized by Khatri at a secluded farmhouse in the Bargi region of Jabalpur. Upon arrival, the police managed to apprehend Khatri and seal off the premises, ensuring no one could escape.
Authorities are now reviewing the seized records and investigating Khatri’s financial networks to uncover any other potential illegal activities. The seized mobile phones are also being analyzed for additional evidence related to the gambling operation.
Police sources reveal that Khatri had been evading capture for some time and was a key player in running several gambling rings in the region. Investigations are expected to uncover more details about the operation and the people involved.