The Narol police arrested Mohsin alias Kaliya Ahmed Shaikh, a resident of Amena Residency in Narol, Ahmedabad, after seizing contraband substances and other items worth a total ofRs6.41 lakh. The operation led to the recovery of 57.65 grams of Mephedrone, valued at Rs5,76,500, as well as two mobile phones worth Rs10,000, Rs4,700 in cash, and a Splendor motorcycle valued at Rs50,000.
Shaikh, who has a notable criminal record with previous offences under the Prohibition Act and the Indian Penal Code, was apprehended following a tip-off. The Narol police have registered a case under various sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.
The investigation is ongoing, with authorities probing his links to the drug trade.