McKenzie Dixon and Freeman Buchanan Arrested in Tulsa Robbery

TULSA, Okla. — Two people are in jail after being arrested in connection to a November robbery at Night Trips, a club near 31st Street and Sheridan Road.

Tulsa Police Lieutenant Justin Ritter confirmed that the robbery took place on November 21, when the victim, a regular customer, arrived at the club with a bag containing $67,000 in cash. After the victim tried to leave, a black sedan pulled up, and he was robbed at gunpoint in the parking lot.

“The victim believed that Dixon, one of the suspects, had set him up,” Lt. Ritter said. “He suspected she knew about the cash after she had previously taken pictures of the bag.”

An affidavit reveals that club employees told investigators that Dixon bragged about the robbery and had received a portion of the stolen cash. Additionally, it was discovered that Dixon had bought a $7,000 dog shortly after the robbery, which investigators believe may have been purchased with the stolen money.

Dixon, who had also been linked to two other robberies, allegedly flaunted the victim’s cash on social media following the incident. Club management terminated her employment after overhearing her bragging about her involvement in the crime with her boyfriend, Freeman Buchanan.

While investigating, police learned that Buchanan had been arrested for allegedly assaulting Dixon, which led authorities to tie him to the robbery. Both Dixon and Buchanan were charged with armed robbery and conspiracy to commit a felony.

Dixon faces charges of conjoint robbery and conspiracy to commit a felony. The couple was arrested on Monday and their bonds were set at $75,000 each. They are scheduled to appear in court later this month.

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