The Panjgutta Police have arrested Marisarla Balaji Naidu, a 35-year-old inter-state fraudster from Bhavani Nagar, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, for defrauding hundreds of people through the online classifieds platform OLX. Naidu is accused of conning approximately 200 individuals out of Rs50 to Rs60 lakh. Police seized two mobile phones and three SIM cards during his arrest.
Naidu’s modus operandi targeted sellers of pre-owned mobile phones listed on OLX. He would approach the sellers with an offer to purchase their phones at the listed price without attempting to negotiate. However, after initially agreeing to the purchase, Naidu would repost the same phones at a lower price on OLX, using the original photos from the listing to attract potential buyers. Posing as a mediator, he would falsely claim to be the brother of both the buyer and the seller, advising them not to discuss the transaction details.
Once a buyer was found, Naidu provided UPI or QR codes for payment. After the buyer transferred the money, Naidu would immediately block both the buyer and seller, disappearing with the funds. This scheme led to significant losses for his victims, who trusted the fraudulent process.
To evade detection, Naidu used an elaborate network of 23 SIM cards and multiple mobile numbers. Investigators revealed that he had been running the scam since 2018, targeting victims in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. A total of 138 complaints have been filed against him on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP), and 19 FIRs have been registered across various police stations in Hyderabad, Cyberabad, Rachakonda, Vijayawada, and Tirupati.
Naidu allegedly funneled the stolen money into online betting platforms such as DafaBet, SARA, Rummy Time, and Rummy Circle. However, most of the illegally obtained funds were reportedly lost on these gambling sites.
This arrest marks a significant breakthrough in the investigation into online frauds across the region. Naidu had been previously arrested for similar offenses in Bengaluru, Vijayawada, and Tirupati.