In a significant breakthrough, the Manjeshwar police have arrested four individuals involved in drug smuggling. The arrested suspects were caught during a raid near Paivalike Bayikatte, where the police seized 29.4 grams of MDMA.
The arrested suspects include Mohammad Ashraf (21), Sayyad Nawaz (30), and Mohammad Ishaq (20) from Bantwal, along with Ahmed Shammas (20). The police’s swift action prevented a major drug distribution network from operating in the region.
Authorities have confirmed that the arrested individuals will face charges under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. Investigations are underway to trace the origin of the seized MDMA and any potential accomplices involved in this smuggling operation.
This successful operation highlights the police’s commitment to combating drug trafficking in the region. The arrested individuals remain in police custody while further investigations continue.