A man was arrested for allegedly robbing an Axis Bank branch in Shamli district, Uttar Pradesh, with over Rs 30 lakh of the stolen money recovered from him. The robbery took place on October 1, when the accused, identified as Amarjit, reportedly took Rs 36 lakh at gunpoint.
According to Branch Manager Naveen Jain, the masked robber entered his cabin and threatened him with a gun. “He demanded Rs 40 lakh and threatened to kill me if I didn’t comply,” Jain told the police. To gather the cash, Jain sent his cashier, Rohit, to retrieve the money. After obtaining the cash, the robber fled on his bike, police reported.
The accused also threatened to kill the manager or commit suicide if his demands were not met. During the robbery, the man told the manager that he needed the money to repay a loan, police stated.
Police tracked down the accused, Amarjit, and arrested him in his village, Lilon, in Shamli district. A total of Rs 30,20,000 was recovered from his possession, along with two pistols. Saharanpur Range Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Ajay Kumar Sahni confirmed the arrest and stated that Amarjit had confessed to the crime.
In recognition of the swift action by the police team, a cash reward of Rs 50,000 has been announced.