A man from Maharashtra was apprehended by the Guwahati Police on Wednesday in connection with a residential theft at Anand Nagar, located in Adabari Tiniali. The theft occurred at approximately 4:00 PM when the residents were absent from their home.
Upon receiving the news, a police team quickly arrived at the scene and initiated an investigation. With the help of reliable sources, they tracked down the suspect, identified as Raj Khan, a resident of Bombay Colony, Thane, Maharashtra. Khan had traveled to Guwahati from Kolkata via the Bibek Express, and was found to have been operating alongside an accomplice from West Bengal.
During interrogation, Khan disclosed that he and his partner targeted homes that were left unguarded. They conducted surveillance beforehand, identifying vulnerable properties to rob. Khan also revealed that he had recently been released from Dumdum Central Jail in West Bengal, where he had been serving a sentence in a narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (NDPS) case.
Authorities are continuing their investigation and are working to apprehend the second suspect involved in the crime.