Kushalnagara rural police have arrested two individuals accused of breaking into a house and stealing gold jewelry. The accused, identified as SK Someshekhar (24) from Hakke village and N Abhishek (24) from Machagoudanahalli, Holenarasipur, were taken into custody after the investigation into a theft that occurred during the Diwali festival.
On November 3, a complaint was filed by Devaraj, a resident of Hakke, reporting the theft of approximately 219 grams of gold ornaments from his home’s locker. The theft occurred while Devaraj’s family was away visiting relatives for the Diwali celebrations.
The police were able to trace the suspects, Someshekhar and Abhishek, who were arrested shortly after the complaint. Investigations are ongoing to determine if the stolen jewelry has been recovered and if there are any further connections to similar crimes in the region.