The Kolkata Police Special Task Force (STF) made a significant breakthrough on Thursday by arresting Manwar Sheikh, a resident of Kaliachak, Malda district, in connection with the seizure of counterfeit currency notes. The recovered fake Indian currency notes (FICN) had a face value of Rs 3 lakh and were in the Rs 500 denomination.
According to STF officials, the fake notes were believed to have originated from Bangladesh and were brought into Kolkata for either distribution or to be handed over to other members of the racket. Based on intelligence about the consignment’s movement, STF officers were stationed at the Esplanade bus depot and identified Sheikh as the suspect upon his arrival from Malda.
Sheikh was detained and interrogated, with officials suspecting this operation to be part of a larger counterfeit network. Investigations are ongoing, with STF focusing on uncovering others involved in the racket.