A domestic dispute between a husband and wife tragically escalated early on Friday morning, August 23, leading to the husband, Kiran Upadhyaya, fatally killing his wife, Jayashree (28), at Saligrama Karkada Paduvali in Brahmavar taluk.
The accused, Kiran Upadhyaya (30), son of Shyam Upadhyaya, resides in Sastana Gundmi in the same taluk. The victim, Jayashree, was his wife. The couple had been married for just nine months and had been living in a rented house in Saligrama Karkada Paduvali for the past three months.
Locals reported that the couple frequently had arguments. On the morning of the incident, Jayashree suffered a fatal blow to her head, which led to her death. Her body was later shifted to the Ajjarkad district hospital mortuary.
A case of murder has been registered at the Kota police station, and further investigations are underway.