The Mangaluru City Cyber Crime Police have arrested 49-year-old Jaffer K. from Kerala, for allegedly scamming a city resident of Rs10.84 lakh through an online investment fraud. The accused, hailing from Malappuram district, reportedly reached out to the victim via WhatsApp, promising high returns from stock market investments on a platform named “Stock Frontline.”
The victim, deceived over several transactions, ended up transferring a total amount of Rs10,84,017. Following the complaint lodged under the IT Act and IPC, the police traced the fraudulent transactions to Jaffer K.’s bank account. A team was promptly dispatched to Kerala, where the accused was arrested on December 23. He was later produced before the court.
The operation, conducted under the supervision of Police Commissioner Anupam Agarwal and senior officials, has set in motion efforts to track and arrest additional individuals involved in the scam.