Goa police have arrested two men from Karnataka, Nashir Ahamad Tigadi from Belagavi and Mohammad Haji from Vijapura, for allegedly operating a fraudulent recruitment agency. The agency lured individuals with attractive job offers, only to send them to scam call centres in Cambodia and Thailand.
The police initiated their investigation after receiving complaints from three victims who reported being deceived by the suspects. The victims were approached with promises of lucrative jobs, including a monthly salary of Rs1 lakh.
One victim, upon arriving in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on April 11, 2024, was taken to Dana Technologies, a company engaged in fraudulent activities such as creating fake social media accounts to lure people into cryptocurrency trading scams. This victim returned in May 2024.
Two other victims were misled into believing they were being recruited for a casino company in Thailand but ended up being placed in a call centre in Cambodia. They managed to return to Goa in March 2024 by making medical excuses.