Justin Carlisle Charged with Forging Check After Firing

Justin Carlisle, 43, of Davenport, is facing multiple charges after police say he forged a check from his former employer, Andrew Wold Investments, following his firing. Carlisle has been charged with forgery, harassment, burglary, criminal mischief, and trespassing.

The charges stem from incidents starting on January 10 when Carlisle’s former employer reported a blank check missing from Andrew Wold Investments. The check, made out to Carlisle for $800, had been cashed at a local bank with a forged signature.

A few days later, on January 15, the former employer accused Carlisle of harassment after he repeatedly posted defamatory accusations on social media, targeting her personal life. She requested a protection order in response.

Carlisle’s alleged criminal activity escalated on January 17, when a burglary was reported at 307 N. Harrison St., where he had previously worked. Police discovered that Carlisle had broken into the building, recording himself inside and posting footage on social media. He had been removed from the property by the property management earlier.

Additionally, Carlisle has been charged with criminal mischief for causing damage to the property. Investigations also revealed discrepancies between Carlisle’s posts and an inspection by the property manager, which did not support his claims.

Carlisle remains under investigation as these cases unfold.

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