On Tuesday, Jammu Police apprehended Umen, a drug peddler, and recovered 1.9 kilograms of Ganja during a routine patrol in the Narwal area. Umen, a resident of Channi Rama, Jammu, was arrested under FIR No. 16/2025 for violating sections 8/20 of the NDPS Act.
The operation was led by SHO Trikuta Nagar and ICPP Narwal, under the supervision of SDPO City East and SP South. The successful arrest is part of Jammu Police’s ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking and abuse in the district.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jammu praised the operation and reiterated the police’s commitment to eliminating drug abuse. He also urged citizens to support the anti-narcotics drive by providing information through the helpline number , assuring that the identity of informants would be kept confidential.