On Thursday, Jammu and Kashmir Police successfully solved a theft case in Samba district by arresting five accused persons and recovering stolen items valued at approximately Rs2 lakh.
The case began on January 2, 2025, when Rakesh Kumar, a resident of Deon Tehsil Bari Brahmana and an employee at the District Court Samba, lodged a written complaint at Police Station Samba. The complaint detailed the theft of items, including water taps and electrical wires, from the Judicial Quarters at the District Court Complex in Samba. An FIR (No. 02/2025) was registered under sections 331(4) and 305 BNS, and an investigation was launched.
The investigation was led by a team of officers from Samba Police Station, under the guidance of DySP Hqrs Samba and the overall supervision of SSP Samba. After relentless efforts, the police arrested five individuals:
Sunil Kumar,
Ganesh Kumar
Mohd Maqbool
Karan Lal
Vishavjeet Dass