The Cyber Crime Unit of Gurugram Police has successfully made significant strides in investigating a cyber fraud case involving fake stock market investments. The police have arrested Abhishek Tiwari, an assistant branch manager at IDFC Bank, along with his two accomplices, Deepak Rajput and Rajendar Kumar.
The arrests follow a complaint filed on September 11, where the victim reported being swindled through fraudulent investment schemes. According to the investigation, Tiwari, who had been working at IDFC Bank’s Model Town branch in Delhi earlier this year, played a key role in facilitating the creation of bank accounts used by the criminals. He opened an account in the name of a fictitious firm, which was later used to facilitate the scam, netting Tiwari Rs 10,000.
Authorities are continuing their investigation into the full extent of the fraud, which involved fake stock market investments designed to dupe victims. The probe is expected to uncover further details regarding the scope and operations of the scam.