In a significant operation under Operation Dawn, the ICR Naharlagun Police successfully apprehended two interstate drug peddlers and seized heroin from their possession, as confirmed by Mihin Gambo, Superintendent of Police, ICR Naharlagun.
On September 27, 2024, a police team led by Insp. K. Dev, OC PS Naharlagun, with the support of the Assam Police, arrested Ainul Rajibul Hussain alias Raja (23), a habitual drug peddler from Lakhimpur District, Assam. Hussain, known for his involvement in the illegal drug trade, was taken into custody after a carefully planned operation.
The police seized heroin from his possession, furthering their mission to curb drug trafficking in the region. The operation was part of Operation Dawn, which aims to tackle drug peddling and narcotics-related crimes in Arunachal Pradesh.
Further investigation is underway, with the authorities working on tracking down other individuals involved in the interstate drug trafficking network.