In a major breakthrough, Hyderabad Police have successfully arrested a 3-member gang involved in an attention diversion crime targeting senior citizens and illiterate individuals at ATM centers. The gang, responsible for several cheating incidents across Hyderabad and its surrounding suburbs, was apprehended with 140 stolen ATM cards and Rs 2.38 lakh in cash.
The accused, identified as Kariman Shani (33), Rupdev Sahani (34), and Saheeb Sahani (34), are laborers from Shamshabad, hailing from Bihar and Punjab. They were arrested based on a tip-off and are believed to have been operating in the city and nearby regions.
The gang would target elderly and illiterate victims at ATM centers in Hyberabad and surrounding areas. Posing as helpful individuals, they would offer assistance during cash withdrawals. While diverting the victims’ attention, the criminals would switch their ATM cards with old, stolen cards. They would later visit ATM centers to withdraw money from the compromised accounts.
The police investigation has led to the recovery of 140 stolen ATM cards and a significant sum of cash. Authorities continue their efforts to track any further victims and ensure that the gang’s operations are fully dismantled.