Hyderabad police announced on Friday the arrest of 23 individuals, including a 60-year-old woman operating an NGO, for their alleged involvement in 359 cybercrime cases across India, with 30 cases registered in Telangana. These arrests were made following extensive operations conducted by five specialized police teams across multiple states, including Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh.
Cybercrimes DCP Dara Kavitha shared that the police teams coordinated closely with various state police units to track and apprehend the accused. During the operation, the police seized Rs 40,000, 25 mobile phones, 45 SIM cards, 23 debit cards, and five shell company stamps.
One of the key arrests was that of Kamlesh Kumari (60) from Uttar Pradesh, who is accused of siphoning off Rs 1.90 crore through unauthorized transactions. Kamlesh Kumari is a member of a political party and had contested a recent election in Uttar Pradesh. She is also accused of allowing the bank account of her NGO to be used for illegal financial activities in exchange for Rs 35 lakh, as revealed by the DCP.
When the police sought a transit warrant from a local court in Uttar Pradesh, 10 advocates represented the accused. However, the court granted the transit warrant based on the strong evidence provided by the Hyderabad police.
The DCP further mentioned that one victim, a 70-year-old man, lost Rs 1.90 crore to Kamlesh Kumari’s scam on December 12, 2024. Fortunately, after the victim contacted the bank and the police, the lost funds were frozen in the accused’s bank account. Police are continuing efforts to trace additional suspects involved in this case.
In a separate incident, Sameer Hundekar and Deepak Sampath, residents of Karnataka, were detained for their role in orchestrating a Rs 2.95 crore trading fraud. The duo targeted investors in fake trading schemes, defrauding them of substantial sums.