The city cybercrime police arrested Tamma Hema Mani (37) and Konda Reddy (43) on Saturday for allegedly cheating a 45-year-old man from Hyderabad out of Rs 4.97 lakh through a matrimony site designed for divorcees. The two accused were apprehended in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, and brought to Hyderabad for further investigation, as confirmed by Cybercrime DCP Dara Kavitha.
According to police, the incident began in May, when the victim was contacted through the matrimony site. Hema, who introduced herself as a cardiologist and claimed to be a divorcee, formed a friendship with the victim. Eventually, she proposed marriage, and the victim accepted.
The situation took a turn when Hema began requesting money, first claiming it was needed for urgent medical treatment. After receiving some funds, she fabricated a story about her mother’s death and sought further financial help. Over time, the victim transferred Rs 4,97,200 in multiple installments.
As the requests for money continued, the victim became suspicious and contacted the police, leading to the arrest of the scammers. Investigations are ongoing as authorities uncover further details about the operation.