The Borabanda police have arrested G. Narsimha Raju, a man accused of defrauding several people out of Rs1.4 crore by falsely promising them government-issued double-bedroom homes. Narsimha Raju, a resident of SPR Hills, allegedly targeted individuals from various localities in Hyderabad, convincing them that he could secure affordable housing for them through government schemes.
Over time, he reportedly collected large sums of money from victims who trusted him, believing that he could help them obtain the homes they needed. As complaints from the victims began to mount, it was revealed that Narsimha Raju had been evading authorities and avoiding arrest for some time.
Following formal complaints from the victims, the Borabanda police launched an investigation and eventually apprehended Narsimha Raju. He has been taken into custody and remanded for further legal proceedings.
Authorities are urging the public to be cautious and avoid falling victim to such fraudulent housing schemes, assuring that further action will be taken in this case. This incident highlights the growing concern of housing scams in Hyderabad, where individuals prey on those seeking affordable living solutions. The police have pledged to intensify efforts to prevent such frauds in the future.