The Hyderabad Cybercrimes police have arrested three individuals in connection with an alleged investment fraud that has left a victim out of Rs1.45 crore. The arrested trio includes Rameswara Behera, Shaik Jainab alias Niharika, and her husband Akbar Khan, all of whom were based in Bengaluru.
According to the complaint filed on September 3, the victim was initially approached by Niharika in January 2019, who lured him with promises of extraordinary returns on investments. Persuaded by these promises, the victim initially invested Rs2 lakh and was then encouraged to invest further, eventually totaling Rs1.45 crore.
Despite repeated assurances of high returns, the victim saw no returns on his investments. After several unsuccessful attempts to retrieve the funds, the victim reported the case to the Hyderabad Cybercrime police, leading to the arrest of the accused.
Investigations revealed that the accused used manipulative tactics to convince the victim to keep investing larger sums of money with the false hope of higher returns. The police are continuing their investigation into the fraudulent operation, which is still under scrutiny to determine if there are additional victims involved.