The Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police recently arrested two individuals from Gujarat for allegedly scamming a Hyderabad-based doctor out of Rs3 crore by posing as government officials. The two accused, Harpal Singh (50) and Saiyad Aiyub Bhai (50), were involved in 17 similar fraud cases across India, with more investigations underway.
The fraudsters approached the doctor using digital means, claiming to be officials from a government agency. They managed to convince the victim into transferring a sum of Rs3 crore, making it one of the largest digital frauds in recent months.
Harpal Singh, a home loan consultant, and Saiyad Aiyub, a property dealer, both hail from Gujarat. They used their professional backgrounds and digital tools to perpetrate the crime, targeting unsuspecting individuals.
Upon arrest, the duo was found to have been involved in multiple fraudulent activities, leading to the discovery of 17 similar cases across the country. The police are now investigating whether the accused were part of a larger network of cyber criminals operating nationwide.