In a significant breakthrough, the Haryana Police have arrested three individuals involved in a cryptocurrency scam that defrauded a Hisar resident of Rs8.91 lakh. The scam, which was perpetrated through a Telegram channel, saw the victim lured into an investment scheme promising high returns on cryptocurrency. The fraudsters, operating under the alias “CAPTAIN AMERICA”, duped the victim into transferring large sums of money into fraudulent bank accounts.
The victim, Bajrang, was initially contacted through the Telegram channel, where the fraudsters convinced him to invest in a cryptocurrency scheme. Once he made the initial investment, he was instructed to transfer more funds into bogus accounts. These accounts were procured by one of the accused, Sahil, a bank employee who had sold the accounts for ₹25,000 each to the criminals.
Realizing that he had been scammed, Bajrang reported the incident immediately to the Cyber Helpline (1930). Recognizing the urgency of the case, the Cyber Chief of Haryana, ADGP OP Singh, swiftly directed the Cyber Nodal Thana to take action.
The investigation was carried out by a joint team comprising the State Nodal Cyber Thana and the Haryana Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (HC4).
Chirag, Sahil, Mohit the arrested was individuals
The swift and coordinated efforts of the Haryana Police ensured that the fraudsters were apprehended before they could target additional victims. The investigation is still ongoing, and authorities are looking into the possibility of further connections and victims.