The Haryana Police have arrested two individuals in connection with a major fraud involving the illegal sending of a youth abroad. The arrested men, Jagmohan from Balliala and Mandeep from Samain, both hail from Fatehabad district and are now facing charges related to defrauding a local family of Rs 39 lakh.
According to the police spokesperson, Suresh, a resident of village Guhna, filed a complaint after his son, Manish, expressed a desire to travel abroad. Suresh was introduced to Surajmal, a man from Kamal Ala village in Fatehabad, by his neighbor Shiv Kumar. Surajmal promised to help arrange an American visa for Manish in exchange for a hefty fee of 45 lakh rupees. On December 15, 2022, Suresh and Shiv Kumar met Surajmal at his office in Tohana, where they were assured that the visa process would be handled and the necessary documents would be provided.
After agreeing on the terms, the accused collected a total of 39 lakh rupees from Suresh at various stages. The family was then assured that Manish would soon be able to travel to the U.S. However, the journey took an unexpected turn. Surajmal, along with accomplices Jagmohan, Mandeep, and Anil, sent Manish to multiple countries, including Dubai, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkey between February and April 2023. Despite these efforts, the promised U.S. visa never materialized.
When Suresh and his son began demanding their money back, the accused refused and even threatened them with harm. The family eventually turned to another agent, who helped Manish return to India on April 27, 2023. The victims were unable to recover their 39 lakh rupees, leading them to report the fraud to the police.
Based on Suresh’s complaint, the police launched an investigation, leading to the arrest of Jagmohan and Mandeep. The accused are now facing charges for defrauding the family and causing them financial harm. Further investigation is ongoing to track down other potential accomplices involved in the scam.