Harare City Council Land Scam Involves Fake Deeds and Corruption

By Kenneth Nyangani

The Harare City Council (HCC) is at the center of a scam involving fake land deeds in Greendale, with the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) and other authorities now involved in the investigation.

In May 2024, a sub-committee led by Ward 16 councillor Denford Ngadziore was appointed to probe the circumstances surrounding the occupation of stands 154 to 166 in Amby Township, Greendale, where cluster houses have been built. The investigation is examining whether proper procedures were followed during the allocation of these residential stands.

The inquiry was triggered by reports that the HCC may have been involved in fraudulent land deals, including the creation of fake deeds by individuals with ties to the Deeds Office. One of the companies linked to these land transactions is Bytany Private Limited, which claims to be the lawful owner of the disputed properties.

In a letter dated October 10, Bytany’s legal representatives, Muchada Legal Practice, responded to an article published by NewsDay, addressing the allegations and providing details about their ownership of the land. The letter was also sent to the ZACC, the Registrar of the Deeds Office, and Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume.

According to the legal team, Bytany acquired land in Amby Township and Bingley from ANZ Grindlays Finance Zimbabwe Limited (now Stanbic Bank) in 1986. However, the company faced financial difficulties that prevented them from developing the land into residential stands. It was only after the death of a shareholder, James Mutetwa, that the company discovered a key document, the original deed of transfer, was missing.

Further investigation revealed that a person named Keith Moses Sherry had falsely presented himself as a representative of Bytany. When the identity of this individual was questioned, it was discovered that he had no records with the Registrar of Births and Deaths, and the national identification documents he presented were invalid. As a result, a fraud case was opened, and the police are investigating the matter.

Ngadziore, the sub-committee chairperson, confirmed receipt of Bytany’s letter, which supported the committee’s findings that key documents, such as title deeds and agreements of sale, were fake. Additionally, the audit uncovered discrepancies in the letterheads used, as the signatories still referred to the director of corporate services despite the department having changed its name to housing and community services.

The ongoing investigation highlights growing concerns over the integrity of land transactions in Harare and the need for greater accountability in the allocation and registration of public property.

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