Zakir Hussain, a notorious land mafia and wanted criminal, has been arrested by the Guwahati Crime Branch after six monts of evasion. Hussain was apprehended in a late-night operation in Garchuk, located on the outskirts of Guwahati, where he had been hiding from the authorities.
Hussain, who has been involved in illegal land grabs for years, was known for his use of forged ownership documents to illegally seize properties from rightful owners. He had gained notoriety for systematically forging land titles and taking control of properties across the region. Due to his illegal activities, he had been on the city police’s “Most Wanted” list.
The Crime Branch launched a crackdown in recent weeks to target land brokers and individuals facilitating such fraudulent activities. Hussain’s arrest is considered a major breakthrough in this ongoing investigation, bringing relief to many victims who had fallen prey to his illegal tactics.
Following his capture, the police are expanding their investigation to uncover other individuals involved in his illegal land syndicate. Authorities are focusing on gathering evidence of other forged documents and identifying all those connected to Hussain’s land fraud operations.
This arrest is seen as a crucial step in addressing the growing problem of land mafia in Guwahati, and the police are hopeful it will restore public confidence in property transactions in the region.