An associate professor at Gujarat University, Kamaljeet Lakhtaria, was arrested by the city crime branch on Saturday for allegedly embezzling Rs 4.09 crore from the university’s animation department. Lakhtaria was produced in court and remanded to police custody until Wednesday.
The complaint was filed by Ajay Das, 41, a cartographer in the Centre for Professional Courses (animation), who accused Lakhtaria of siphoning off funds after taking over as the coordinator of the department. According to the complaint, Lakhtaria, with the approval of the university’s registrar and vice-chancellor, opened seven bank accounts at Kotak Mahindra Bank’s Kalol branch to manage the department’s finances.
Under the agreements, 30% of the revenue generated from student fees was to be given to Gujarat University, while 70% was retained by the animation department. Ensuring that the university’s share was paid on time was Lakhtaria’s responsibility. However, a 2023 inquiry revealed that he failed to remit Rs 4.09 crore owed to the university. The inquiry, led by a retired district judge, found significant financial irregularities.