In a swift operation, the Local Crime Branch (LCB) in Gujarat’s Deesa has arrested three individuals involved in a daring Rs80 lakh robbery that occurred on October 14. The suspects, Prakash Rawal, Arvind Rawal, and Prem Barot, were apprehended in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, after a thorough investigation utilizing technical surveillance and tracking.
The robbery took place in the Lalchali area of Deesa when two armed men intercepted an employee of an Angadia (courier) service transporting cash. The employee, riding an Activa scooter, was threatened at gunpoint, leading to the robbers fleeing with the substantial amount of cash. This daylight incident in a bustling area shocked the local community.
Following the robbery, the police acted promptly after being alerted by the Angadia firm’s manager. Multiple teams were deployed to gather evidence, including CCTV footage from the vicinity. With a focused investigation, the LCB was able to track the suspects to Jodhpur, where they were arrested.
The Angadia community, known for their reliability in cash transfer services, has been significantly affected by this incident, which raises concerns about public safety.
This robbery follows another similar incident in Tharad, highlighting ongoing issues regarding law and order in the region.