Gazipur Nagar Panchayat President Riyaz Ansari was detained by the Kasimabad police after a meeting with Nagar Panchayat councilors. The arrest followed a complaint filed by Abdul Ghani, the manager of Madrasa Masakeen, who accused Ansari of fraud and the formation of a fake committee using forged documents.
According to the complaint, Ansari created a parallel committee by showing the previous one as dissolved, appointing his nephew as president and using fake signatures of other individuals. The case came to light when Ghani alerted the Kasimabad Kotwali police, leading to Ansari’s detention. Following interrogation, the authorities confirmed the allegations, and Ansari was sent to jail.
However, during the interrogation, Riyaz Ansari’s health deteriorated, and he was urgently admitted to the Ghazipur Medical College’s emergency ward. Ansari, who is also linked to the IS 191 Mukhtar Ansari gang, continues to face serious charges. Further investigations are ongoing to explore the full extent of the fraud and any potential accomplices involved.