The Pimpri Chinchwad cybercrime police arrested four men in connection with a parcel fraud case registered in Wakad in September of this year. The suspects, hailing from Jodhpur and Jaipur districts of Rajasthan, were apprehended from a flat in Undri.
The accused, identified as Mohammed Iliyas Kalal (36) from Jaipur, Mohammed Ali (25), Puransingh Ratansingh (24), and Najil Khatri (29), all from Jodhpur, were involved in receiving money from victims of parcel frauds through mule accounts. They then converted the stolen money into cryptocurrency, which was transferred to handlers based abroad.
Assistant Police Inspector Pravin Swami from Pimpri Chinchwad’s cybercrime unit revealed the suspects’ role in facilitating the laundering of fraud proceeds through digital currency.