In a major breakthrough, the cybercrime branch of Tamil Nadu Police arrested four individuals in Guwahati on Thursday for their involvement in a digital arrest scam that defrauded a victim of Rs3.2 crore.
The arrested suspects have been identified as Dhrubajyoti Mazumder , Swaraj Pradhan , Prashant Giri , and Pranjal Hazarika . They are currently in custody at the Paltan Bazar police station. The group consists of one local from Guwahati, two individuals from Sonitpur, and one from Sribhumi.
According to authorities, the scam involved the perpetrators impersonating law enforcement officers, coercing the victim into transferring a large sum of money under the false threat of arrest. Investigations are still underway to determine the full extent of their operations and whether the group has links to other fraudulent activities.
This arrest underscores the rising threat of cybercrime in India and the importance of interstate cooperation between police forces to address and dismantle such fraud networks. The Tamil Nadu Police’s successful operation in Guwahati highlights the growing sophistication of digital scams and the ongoing efforts to combat them across states.