Mandeep Singh, a 42-year-old former national kabaddi player, has been arrested by the IGI Airport police for allegedly orchestrating an illegal immigration racket. The scam involved facilitating unauthorised immigration to the United States using forged documents.
The case came to light when Maninder Pal Singh, a 20-year-old deportee from Jalandhar, was detained at IGI Airport on December 14 for passport tampering. Upon investigation, authorities discovered missing pages with fake visas and immigration stamps, pointing to an organised scam.
Maninder revealed that Mandeep Singh had promised to help him reach the U.S. via illegal routes for a sum of ₹41 lakh. The fraudulent journey, planned through several countries including Kazakhstan, Dubai, Senegal, Libya, and Mexico, was carefully disguised with forged documents to cover up illegal stays along the way.
Police further disclosed that Mandeep, despite being a physical training teacher at a government school, had been running the illegal immigration racket under the pretext of an IELTS coaching centre in Kapurthala, Punjab. His pursuit of quick profits through immigration fraud ultimately led to his arrest.