The Bank Fraud Wing of the Central Crime Branch has arrested B. Radhakrishnan, a former Assistant General Manager (AGM) of the Bank of Baroda, in connection with a Rs1.8 crore bank fraud case. Radhakrishnan, who previously served at the bank’s Egmore branch, is accused of colluding with the directors of Lemooria Foods Pvt. Ltd. to facilitate the fraud.
The case came to light after Leena Gohain, the Assistant General Manager and branch head of the bank, filed a complaint against Lemooria Foods Pvt. Ltd. and its directors, G. Rajalakshmi and K. Sathish Babu. The complaint alleges that the company failed to repay a loan of ₹1.8 crore, and Radhakrishnan is said to have played a key role in helping the accused manipulate the bank’s processes.
Radhakrishnan was arrested in Hyderabad and brought to Chennai for further investigation. Authorities are continuing their probe to identify the full extent of the fraudulent activities and the involvement of other individuals.