Fargo Cigar Bar Owner Barrett Prody Pleads Guilty to Drug Charges

FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – Barrett Prody, a former Fargo cigar bar owner, has pleaded guilty to federal charges, including leading a cocaine trafficking ring that spanned across North Dakota, Minnesota, South Florida, and other areas.

The 51-year-old, known for owning JT Cigarro’s and O’Leary’s Irish Pub, faces charges of conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance, money laundering, obstruction of justice, and continuing criminal enterprise.

Court documents reveal that two confidential informants cooperated with law enforcement, admitting to purchasing tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of cocaine over three years. The informants also assisted in transporting the drugs. One was arrested in June 2023 during a traffic stop in Illinois while attempting to transport a kilogram of cocaine from Florida to Fargo.

Prody’s sentencing is scheduled for February 19, 2025.

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