The Gurugram cyber police successfully raided a fake call centre operating out of a house in Durga Colony, Sector 39, and arrested three individuals, including the centre’s owner. The accused were found to be duping a US national under the guise of providing technical support services. During the raid, the police recovered two laptops and a mobile phone from the suspects’ possession.
The operation, conducted on Tuesday night, uncovered that the suspects were working in a manner typical of fraudulent call centre operations. The police found the suspects busy making calls in English, using headphones, and working on their computers. Upon questioning, the accused could not provide any valid OSP (Other Service Provider) license from the Department of Telecommunications, nor could they present any formal agreement related to their operations.
The owner of the fake call centre, Amandeep Singh (34), along with his associates Palwinder Singh (25) and Ishav Ghai (25), were arrested at the scene. The accused revealed that their call centre had been operating since August 2024 and that they had scammed several foreign nationals, primarily targeting US citizens. They falsely offered customer care services and technical support, tricking individuals into providing personal or financial details.
The cybercrime police are investigating the full extent of the scam and are working to identify additional victims involved.