On Tuesday, Excise personnel arrested Rahul Ramesh (30) from Thuthiyoor, Kakkanad , after recovering 58 ni58 nitrazepam tablets, a prescription drug commonly used for psychiatric ailments. The tablets weighed approximately 30 grams.
The arrest took place as part of a joint operation by the State Excise Enforcement Squad, Excise Intelligence, and the Ernakulam City Excise Range. In addition to the tablets, authorities also seized five Phenergan ampules, sterling water, and syringes that were found in his possession, suggesting the drugs were being prepared for distribution. The police also confiscated a smartphone and an autorickshaw, both allegedly used for drug peddling activities.
Rahul Ramesh’s arrest is part of the ongoing efforts by the excise department to crack down on the illegal distribution of prescription drugs and other controlled substances in the region. Authorities are continuing their investigation to identify possible connections and other individuals involved in the drug network.