The Excise department arrested Naushad K., 40, from Kannur, on Wednesday after seizing 33.61 grams of MDMA and 23.25 kilograms of ganja. According to authorities, Naushad had been selling narcotics under the guise of a gym trainer at Edappally. The drug haul was split between his gym, where a portion of the narcotics was seized, and the apartment of an alleged accomplice, identified as Vinod from Malappuram, who is currently on the run. An ongoing inquiry is underway to locate Vinod and expand the investigation into the drug distribution network.
Excise Department Seizes 33.61g MDMA, 23.25kg Ganja Arrests Naushad K.
Naushad Arrested for Drug Dealing Under Guise of Gym Trainer in Edappally