Emma Delaney Hancock Sentenced to Prison for Soliciting Student

WELLSTON, Okla. (KFOR) — Former substitute teacher Emma Delaney Hancock has been sentenced to four years in prison after being found guilty of soliciting sex from a student. The sentencing came after a jury initially recommended six years, but the judge reduced the sentence.

Court documents reveal that Hancock, 29, exchanged nude photos and videos with the student and met him privately at the school on several occasions. The student reported that the encounters included making out, which Hancock denied, claiming the student fabricated the story.

Despite her denial, the jury found Hancock guilty in late October, and the court sentenced her to four years behind bars.

A family member of the victim expressed mixed feelings about the sentencing, noting that although they were satisfied, the emotional toll on the victim was irreversible. “His entire high school years were online. We missed all that—sports events, prom, walking across the stage,” the family member said.

Along with her prison sentence, Hancock will be required to register as a sex offender. The victim’s family has also filed a lawsuit against her.

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