On Thursday, Eluru district Superintendent of Police K. Pratap Shiva Kishore handed over Rs. 2.5 lakh to Nandamuri Satyanarayana, a resident of M. Nagulapalli village, who had been a victim of theft. The incident occurred on November 25 when Satyanarayana withdrew the amount from a National Bank in Bhimadole and placed the cash in a polythene cover inside his bike.
After visiting a shop, Satyanarayana returned to his bike and discovered that the cash was missing. Acting swiftly, Bhimadole SI Y. Sudhakar and Dwaraka Tirumala SI T. Sudhir tracked down the suspect, Soppu Ramu from Gumdigolanu village, and arrested him. They successfully recovered the stolen amount.
Following court clearance, the SP handed over the recovered cash to Satyanarayana, ensuring that justice was served. The prompt actions of the police officers were praised for resolving the case efficiently.