In a significant breakthrough under Operation Cyber Shield, the Cyber Police of Dungarpur district dismantled a fake escort service racket that defrauded people across the country. Four individuals were arrested, and a minor was detained for their involvement in duping victims by promising escort services. The arrests followed a meticulous investigation led by District Superintendent of Police Monika Sen, aiming to crack down on cyber fraud.
The police seized 10 mobile phones, multiple fake SIM cards, and a laptop from the accused, who were using these devices to execute their illicit activities. The accused have been taken into custody, and further investigations are ongoing.
Cyber Police Station In-charge, Girdhari Lal, revealed that the arrests were made after receiving a tip-off on January 17. The complaint highlighted a group of youths near Indauda village running a fake escort service scam. Prompt action led to a raid by a joint team of Cyber Police, Cyber Cell, and Dovda Police Station officers, who apprehended the suspects.
Initial investigations revealed that the accused lured victims by posting fraudulent advertisements on various social media platforms and websites. They circulated explicit photos via WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, and Facebook, enticing victims to transfer money to multiple fake accounts in exchange for promised services, which were never delivered.
The arrested individuals have been identified as:
A minor involved in the racket was also detained and is being processed under relevant juvenile laws.
The Cyber Police confirmed that the arrested individuals had 16 cases registered against them across various states in India. The gang is believed to have swindled victims out of approximately ₹19.43 lakh through their fake escort service advertisements.
The investigation also uncovered that the accused used fake SIM cards and accounts to conceal their identities and mislead law enforcement agencies.
The arrests mark another major success in Dungarpur’s Operation Cyber Shield, which aims to combat the rising tide of cybercrime in the region. According to SP Monika Sen, the operation has led to the registration of five cyber fraud cases, resulting in the arrest of 44 cybercriminals so far.
The campaign has also led to the recovery of:
50 mobile phones
96 SIM cards
18 debit cards
A car
The operation has significantly disrupted cybercriminal networks in the region, ensuring that justice is served to the victims.