Vivek Kumar Jain, the director of Himalaya Infraventure Pvt Ltd, was arrested on Wednesday in connection with a long-running case involving irregularities in land purchases made by the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) over a decade ago.
Police revealed that Jain, who co-founded the real estate company with his friend, the brother-in-law of former YEIDA officer VP Singh, was taken into custody after questioning. VP Singh, who once served as an officer on special duty with YEIDA, is also among the accused in the case.
The case dates back to 2019, when inspector Gajendra Singh filed a complaint at Beta 2 police station. The FIR names 29 individuals, including PC Gupta, the then CEO of YEIDA, and other officials involved in the alleged land deal irregularities in Hathras.
Authorities are continuing their investigation into the matter, and more arrests are expected as they work to unravel the full scope of the scam.