In a chilling murder case, a 25-year-old woman, Shilpa Pandey, was found charred and stuffed inside a suitcase in east Delhi. Police arrested Amit Tiwari (22), a taxi driver, and Anuj Kumar (20), a welder, for her brutal murder. The body was discovered on the night of January 26-27, lying by the roadside near Shivaji Road, between Ambedkar Chowk and Kerala Public School.
Amit Tiwari, Shilpa’s cousin, and Anuj Kumar, both residents of Khora Colony in Ghaziabad, were arrested after an extensive investigation. According to police, Shilpa had been pressuring Amit to leave his family and live with her, even threatening to falsely implicate him and his family if he refused. Unable to cope with her demands, Amit and Anuj conspired to murder her.
The accused allegedly burned Shilpa’s body after killing her in an attempt to destroy the evidence. Amit purchased petrol and stubble to set her body on fire. They disposed of the suitcase containing the burnt body in an isolated area, taking advantage of increased security in the city due to the assembly elections. A PCR call led the police to the scene, where the charred remains were found inside a suitcase.
The police initially faced difficulties in identifying the victim. However, after reviewing CCTV footage, they tracked the taxi linked to the crime. With the help of technical surveillance and mobile data, the police traced the vehicle and identified the suspects. During questioning, Amit and Anuj confessed to the crime.
The police registered an FIR at Ghazipur police station and formed multiple teams for investigation. The vehicle used in the crime has been impounded, and further details of the case are being examined.