The Delhi Police from PS Kishangarh, South West District, arrested a 35-year-old thief, Vipin Kumar, at Karawal Nagar in the national capital. Following his arrest, police recovered five stolen mobile phones and one auto that had been used in the commission of the thefts.
The arrest occurred on December 31, 2024, when police staff were deployed at various pickets to maintain law and order during the New Year celebrations. Around 8:00 PM, an auto was stopped for a routine check at Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg near the Katwariya Sarai police booth. The driver attempted to flee but was apprehended by the alert police officers. Upon searching the suspect, five mobile phones were found in his jacket pocket.
In the meantime, two complainants arrived at PS Kishangarh to report their stolen mobile phones. Ruchi Kalia, a resident of Vasant Kunj, explained that on the same day, at around 4:30 PM, she was shopping at Munirka Market when an unknown person bumped into her. Later, she realized her mobile phone had been stolen from her pocket. She believed the thief had stolen it when he brushed past her near a vegetable stall.
In another case, Aditya Kumar from Chhatarpur reported that his phone was stolen similarly near Munirka Metro Station around the same time. Both complainants later identified Vipin Kumar as the thief, and two of the stolen phones were recovered from him. Further investigation revealed three additional mobile phones, which are still being linked to other thefts.
With the recovery of the stolen property, including the two mobile phones directly linked to the two theft cases, Vipin Kumar was arrested and is facing charges. The investigation continues to connect the remaining phones to other incidents.